On Friday, President Buhari received different Groups at his country home in Daura, Katsina State. President Buhari is captured in these photos with different groups including former classmates, Kano Traders Association, Chairmen of ALGON Katsina State, Members of CAN Katsina Chapter, Representatives of 5 Local Governments in Daura Emirate and Chairman of Good Governance Ambassadors of Nigeria (GOGAN) Chief Felix Idiga.
President Buhari hosts his former classmates, Kano Traders Association other in Daura (Photos)
On Friday, President Buhari received different Groups at his country home in Daura, Katsina State. President Buhari is captured in these photos with different groups including former classmates, Kano Traders Association, Chairmen of ALGON Katsina State, Members of CAN Katsina Chapter, Representatives of 5 Local Governments in Daura Emirate and Chairman of Good Governance Ambassadors of Nigeria (GOGAN) Chief Felix Idiga.