Recently in Lagos at the HardRock Cafe Beachfront, Nollywood film maker Theo Ukpaa who is also chanel Manager for LITV approaches the alter with his sweetheart Tola Adesokun in a beautiful beach wedding put together by Sandra Ikeji of EVENTSBYSI. The wedding was officiated by Rev Adegoke Coker of House on the Rock Church and Author of the bestselling inspirational book 'Godfessions' amongst other pastors with blessings from HOTR Metropolitan Pastor Paul Adefarasin. The Event was strictly by invitation and was well attended by close friends and well wishers. The Joining held at the HardRock Cafe beach front and Reception happened inside hardrock Cafe. Music policy was by DJ Consequence and photographed by the Amazing Damilola Elliot of Damell photography. Theo and Tola are currently on their twin honeymoon in Santorino, Greece and Zanzibar, Tanzania. Hashtag of the event was #TATU2018.
Film Maker Theo Ukpaa weds his British/Nigert Tola Adesokun in private beach wedding
Recently in Lagos at the HardRock Cafe Beachfront, Nollywood film maker Theo Ukpaa who is also chanel Manager for LITV approaches the alter with his sweetheart Tola Adesokun in a beautiful beach wedding put together by Sandra Ikeji of EVENTSBYSI. The wedding was officiated by Rev Adegoke Coker of House on the Rock Church and Author of the bestselling inspirational book 'Godfessions' amongst other pastors with blessings from HOTR Metropolitan Pastor Paul Adefarasin. The Event was strictly by invitation and was well attended by close friends and well wishers. The Joining held at the HardRock Cafe beach front and Reception happened inside hardrock Cafe. Music policy was by DJ Consequence and photographed by the Amazing Damilola Elliot of Damell photography. Theo and Tola are currently on their twin honeymoon in Santorino, Greece and Zanzibar, Tanzania. Hashtag of the event was #TATU2018.